peer-reviewed publications


"Tactical Disinformation: Interrogation of Data Politics through Noise in Interactive Media Installations"

May 2022, Leonardo

see publication


"Reversal, Disconnect, and Propositions: Noise and Data Politics in the Work of Julian Oliver and Trevor Paglen"

August 2021, Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (PACMCGIT)

see publication


"Estranging the Device: Media Art Pedagogy via Brecht, Heidegger, and McLuhan"

March 2020, International Journal of Arts Education

see publication


"The Im/mediate Noise: Sound Art in Algorithmic Culture"

November 2017, Seismograf

see publication


"Sonic Fourth Wall: Preamble to an Artist Statement"

September 2016, Emergent Art Education: Next Directions in Canadian Research

see publication


"Digital Memories and Rhetorical Devices: Archives, Reconstruction, and Artistic Strategies"

August 2014, Memory and Meaning: Digital Differences

see publication


"Controlled Horizontality: Relativized and Radical Information in the Net Ecology"

July 2012, IainBaxter& Raisonne

see publication

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